League Rules


All Dues must be paid in full before taking the ice.  Please talk to Kerry (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) if you have an outstanding balance.


Legal Teams

  • 4 rostered players
  • 3 rostered players and one sub
  • 2 rostered players and one sub 
  • Can’t have 2 non-rostered players and be a legal team
  • A sub must play the lead position


5 Rock Rule

Any stone placed inside the free guard zone cannot be removed from play until after the fifth stone is thrown. Any guard stone removed from play by the opposing team is allowed to be replaced, while the thrown stone is removed.


Tick Rule

Ticks are allowed.  A guard can be moved as long as it stays in play.


Buzzer Rule

When the buzzer goes off, you can finish the end you are playing but may not play additional ends.  An end has begun after the first rock crosses the near t-line. 



If there is a scheduling conflict, please contact the opposing team.  Phone numbers are on the ice level bulletin boards or in the members area of the DCC website.

Skips can mutually agree to play their game at a different time and date.  


View the 2022-2023 USA Curling Rules of Curling

Member Login

Please contact the office if you need additional assistance logging in.

Upcoming Events

  • Feb
    League Playoffs begin
    05:00 PM
  • Mar
    1on1 and 2v2 Luncheon
    12:00 PM

League Schedules

League schedules, teams and results can all be found in the members section of the website once you LOGIN.

Member Login

Our Sponsors

Contact Info

(218) 727-1851

[email protected]


DCC Office Hours (in season)

Monday-Thursday 3-6pm


Duluth Curling Club
327 Harbor Drive
Duluth, MN 55802


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We Are The DCC

The Duluth Curling Club is one of the oldest, largest, and most accomplished curling clubs in the United States. Proud home of the 2018 US Mens Gold Medal Champions, Team Shuster.