Online league registration will be September 1-29th, 2024. You can use your member login to access the registration page.
We will have two in-person registration events, Wednesday September 11th and Thursday September 26th from 5-7pm at the curling club.
Leagues start Oct 27th.
The league schedule will be similar to last season with a couple changes:
- 5 and under league will move to Wednesday at 8pm. Each member of the team must be a curler with 5 or less years of experience.
- Instructional League for new curlers will move to Mondays at 8pm. Registration is first come first served -we have limited space available.
- NEW 10 and under league Mondays at 8pm. Each member of the team must be a curler with 10 or less years of experience.
- NEW 50+ league Tuesdays 1-3pm. Rostered and scheduled league, not a drop in. Must be age 50+, No league fee.
- Friday Fun will meet: 11/8, 11/22, 12/13*, 1/10, 1/24, 2/7*, 2/14, 2/28, 3/7* (*bar not guaranteed to be open)
All DCC members must sign the DCC code of conduct and the liability waiver to participate in the 2024-2025 season.